Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Do I believe....

I like many others have often thought about the role of religion and the existence of God...and wonder that if there in fact is a God, what does he or she look like? Is he or she the all mighty good that we have been lead to believe? With all the troubles in the world, what does this God actually believe in?

so with those questions in mind and certainly without concrete proof, I am hard pressed to say that I believe....Yet, I am the person who travels with a necklace adorned with three totems, a diamond heart pendant, hope, faith and charity and a Saint Christopher, all given to me by important not to mention influential people in my that being the case, there must be something that I believe in

Well here's what I know of God as he or she is most often revealed to me when I am travelling...I guess because as I travel, my mind, my heart and my eyes are widest open to see all the wonders of this world.

I see God when:

the airplane takes off and breaks through the clouds to the vast blue
a stranger puts a bottle of water down beside a seemingly needy soul during a hot and humid Southern summer day
a bus conductor rearranges the seating so that I can sit with my husband on an overnight bus
a stranger offers her car and driver to take me to the nearest bookstore in India
a stranger gives a child the extra money so he can buy a much coveted sweet treat at an Easter market
an airline steward sits with a frightened passenger for the duration of an Alaskan Airlines flight from Chicago to Seattle
I can laugh with the security person at an Indian airport about the zippered pockets in my money belt that all connect to each other
the taste of a freshly made beignet powdered with sugar
dancing and laughing up the street to Vancouver's China Town on a drunken Saturday night
a Fijian sunset
a cold beer with new friends and old friends in a hostel in Austria
skinny dipping on a hot Australian night
the laugh, cry, shriek of a trumpet in a New Orleans jazz club
a stranger escorting me to a subway station platform because she knew I would not understand all of her directions

These are just a few of the instances when I have tasted, heard, sensed, touched and seen what I would call God. So I am conscious now about what I do in the world hoping that I too can affect as much as I have been affected.